北京信诺科美科技有限公司 电话:010-67922570 67922670 67922511 60208911 传真:010-67922670 地址:北京市大兴区金星西路5号绿地中央广场C座822室
Address: Suite 822, Block-C, Green Central Plaza, No.5 Jinxing West Road, Daxing District, Beijing, 102600, P.R.China
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北京信诺科美科技有限公司是一家集、服务、销售为一体的科技公司。本公司为生物技术领域、食品领域及化工领域提供及时、快捷的优质服务,拥有雄厚的技术支持力量,建立规范的市场网络,完善的销售服务体系。公司秉承“精诚守信,先行承诺”的原则,愿与兄弟厂商同谋略,共发展! 我们提供-----高品质、多品种的食品添加剂; ------化学试剂; 质量管理体系认证系统咨询; 我们承诺-----全天候的服务与咨询; ------合理和具有竞争力的价格; --------高效、安全、快捷的供货服务; 精诚守信; 美化生活;
CINO-CHEM Scicnce and Technology CO.Ltd(Packing)is a company engaged in Research & Development(R&D), production,sales and service in the Food and to the Food and Chemical industries . We also offer full technical support,a well-established sales network,,and a professional service foll all requirements.we cordially invite you to contact us for further information on our products &services listed below. Cino-Chem products: -Full scope of foode additives -Pharmaceutical intermediates -Chemical agents Cina-Chem services; Chinese products and suppliers sourcing -Quality Management Sytem Certification consultancy We promise to commit you the best services&products available.we are available to take orders or give service advice during office hours. Our hours of business are Sunday-Saturday 08:00to17:30 Suite 822,BLock-C,Green Wealth Center,NO.5 Jinxing West Road,Daxing
Tel Number:0086-10-67922511 67922570 6792670 Fax Number:0086-10-67922670 Emailaddress:479863519@qq.com QQ:479863519,626095336 Http://www.cino-chem.com